"Sunrise (unplugged)"by admiralbob77
Vocals by shannonsongs
2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)
Anything except the video/audio is Copyright 2009 Hans Schmucker and is likewise licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0). The script is entirely inline and can simply be viewed with your browser's "View Page Source" command.
It works by serving the song along with a video containing the current volume in 16 frequency ranges. Don't worry, the video is tiny (think KB per minute not MB) as it only contains 16 grey scale pixels (I resized the video for this demo, but only the top row of pixels is actally used). The video was created by playing the song in Foobar2000 and capturing the frequency meter with CamStudio (writing a non-interactive program to do it would be very simple, I just couldn't be bothered for this demonstration).
The script captures the video data and uses the absolute value to determine if a circle should be drawn. The delta between the current frame and the last frame is used to determin if a new position should be chosen.
You can see the raw data and comment on this monstrosity on